ISO Audit for 2022

To All Dowding Industries Inc. Employees.
Last week we completed our re-certification ISO 9001:2015 audit.
Thank you to all that participated in the audit from all 3 plants and all 3 shifts: A special thanks to all of the production floor employees’ that were interviewed by the auditors. Everyone that was interviewed did an amazing job!!!
We passed the audit and are now ISO 9001:2015 Certified for another 3 years.
We did have 4 minor findings: (These will require corrective action to be completed in the next few weeks)
- Management review doesn’t always include all input requirements
- On the job training records of competency is not always found to be completed/records not maintained
- Measurement traceability process was found to not be 100% effective/Master gage out of calibration
- Production parts on hold not identified/no hold tag or process tag present
Strengths at Dowding Identified by the Auditors:
- Responsiveness
- Openness
- Capital Investments
- Culture
- People
- Communication/Awareness
- Management/Leadership
- Process Tags (details of hold history)
- Layered Process Audits
A special thanks to Kim Prichard, Al Bibler, Curt Kinney, and Geno Roberts for all their help during the audit.
Don Harper, Corporate Quality Manager